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0. Getting Started

0. Getting Started

This guide takes you through first steps, setting up the Arduino IDE and setting it up to use the ESP32 Microcontroller.

INPUT 2:  Thermistor

INPUT 2: Thermistor

This tutorial looks at the thermistor and its use in sensing changes in temperature.

INPUT 5: Ultrasound Sensor

INPUT 5: Ultrasound Sensor

Measure distances with sound and then use it to stop your car crashing!

OUTPUT 2: OLED Display

OUTPUT 2: OLED Display

Screen Time! So many of the products we love have screens and this is our first look into how we can control a screen and the information presented on it.

OUTPUT 5: Stepper Motor

OUTPUT 5: Stepper Motor

This tutorial takes you through the basics of how to use a stepper motor.

Output8:Base Extension DFPlayer

Output8:Base Extension DFPlayer

This guide takes you through the basics of using the DFPlayer

Build Guide

Build Guide

So you're building the board yourself. Follow this invaluable guide to show you what goes where and provides some great tips for keeping it all neat and tidy!

INPUT 3: Potentiometer

INPUT 3: Potentiometer

This guide introduces you to the potentiometer and examines the way it interacts with our Arduino System

INPUT 6: Buttons

INPUT 6: Buttons

This guide takes you through the basics of how we can recognise button presses and examines a simple pedestrian crossing system.

OUTPUT 3: DC Motor

OUTPUT 3: DC Motor

Lets Move! Robotics is such fun and the first place to start is getting your robot moving, this guide introduces you to the world of making things whizz about.

OUTPUT 6: Buzzer

OUTPUT 6: Buzzer

Warning Warning! A short and simple introduction to making the worlds most annoying noise



This tutorial starts us off on our journey into the world of sensing our environment. The LDR, or Light Dependent Resistor gets us looking at how we can use information from the world around us to make things happen.

INPUT 4: Microphone

INPUT 4: Microphone

This tutorial takes you through the basics of how we can measure and use sound waves



Let there be light! Let's start simple, how do we switch a light on (and off!).

OUTPUT 4:  Servo Motor

OUTPUT 4: Servo Motor

This guide introduces you to the second type of motor included on the Learn Arduino Board - The Servo

Output 7:  Addressable LEDs

Output 7: Addressable LEDs

Twinkly Lights. The second guide to LEDs sees us using LEDs that we can turn on and off individually and change their colour

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